Issue 1- Christianity and the Challenges of Revolution and Freedom
Cover Photo: Pamela Chrabieh
- Editorial (Arabic), Christo El Morr
- Unexamined Lives, Unchanging Opinions, Unknowing Wisdom! Dr. Harry Hagopian
- Dynamiques révolutionnaires, dialogue islamo-chrétien et gestion des diversités au Liban: apports ou impasses? Dr. Pamela Chrabieh
- Christ and Revolution (Arabic), Dr. Ihab Kharrat
- Despair is Harder than Life: How did Father Georges Massouh Approached the Syrian Revolution (Arabic), Tima Alwan
- About Christ the Revolutionary and what Revolution Christianity means (Arabic), George Najib Awad
- Christianity and Revolution: the internal event and its external consequences (Arabic), Wageeh Youssof
- Christianity and Revolution: The revolution of in Communion (Arabic), Christo El Morr
- Language and Its Intellectual Impact on Religion and Revolution (Arabic), Sayf Shems
- The Brutal Chameleon Reflections on Reality Beirut, Lebanon, Omar Sabbagh