Editorial Board
Dr. Pamela Chrabieh is the Director of SPNC Learning & Communication, a consulting and training company based in Lebanon. She was previously Associate Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the American University in Dubai. She holds a Ph.D. in Theology and Sciences of Religions (2005, Université de Montréal - Canada) and has 20+ years of teaching and scholarly experience in Higher Education in Lebanon, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates. She is the author of 8 books and numerous academic and web-based publications in French, English and Arabic on diverse subjects focusing on Southwestern Asia and North Africa, including Theology of Dialogue, Interreligious Dialogue, War Memory and Peacebuilding, Peace Education, Gender Studies, the Arts and Cultural heritage, Communication and New Media, etc. Dr. Chrabieh is also a feminist and peace activist, and an artist who exhibited her work in North America and Southwestern Asia
https://pamelachrabiehblog.com |